QJumpers New Zealand Privacy Policy

Last updated December 2020

This policy covers QJumpers Global Limited and its subsidiary companies (QJumpers, we, our, us) including our websites, recruitment software services, social media and information held directly by us. 

If you choose not to provide any of the personal information necessary for us to provide a product or service, we may not be able to offer you the product or service.

The information QJumpers collects from and about you, and the way QJumpers uses and discloses that information differs depending on your relationship with QJumpers. Please read this policy carefully to find out how it applies to you. 

If you have any comments or questions, please email us at info@qjumpers.co.nz.

Website, Cookies & Social Media


If you visit and browse any QJumpers website, we will log information about how you got to the website, which pages you visit and any features you use.

If you ask QJumpers to contact you, we will ask you to provide your name and email address so that we can respond to you.

User Feedback

We welcome ideas and feedback about all aspects of QJumpers’ website and services. We may store and use the information and ideas you send to us to improve or promote the site, products and/or services, but we will not publish your name or any identifiable information about you without your permission.


QJumpers uses cookies to provide you with a better experience. Cookies are small text files placed on your hard drive when you visit our website. Cookies collect data such as browsing information each time you access our website. QJumpers uses this information to understand how people are using our website and to improve the way the website works. You can change your browser notifications to notify you when you receive a cookie or to disable cookies. Be aware that if you disable cookies, the website may not work properly for you. We do not use cookies to store personal data nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals.

We also use third party cookies and other technology to gather analytics and to advertise to you online if visiting www.qjumpers.co.nz and www.qjumpersjobs.co to browse for information or jobs. These allow vendors such as Google to show ads from us to you on other internet websites. These activities use cookies to optimise and inform ads based on your visits to our website. Information collected may include your IP address, search terms you use, pages you access and links you click on, your operating system and browser type.

Social Media

If you interact with QJumpers on social media – if you follow, like, comment, mention or message us, QJumpers will have access to your interactions with us and your social media profile information. QJumpers gets this information from our interaction with you or from the social media platform. QJumpers may use this information to interact with you and we will still have access to this information even if you remove it later. 

Children and Young Persons

QJumpers does not knowingly collect personal information from children or young people. If you have reason to believe that a child or young person has provided personal information to QJumpers, please contact us and we will endeavour to delete that information.

QJumpers’ Recruitment Software

QJumpers provides a platform (Site) on which an organisation (Employer) can place an advertisement about a job vacancy (Job Posting). Individuals can browse and/or search Job Postings, register their interest to work for an Employer and may choose to submit an application for a Job Posting (Application). An individual who registers their interest to work for an Employer and/or submits an Application is referred to as a Candidate

Employers are responsible for the information contained and requested in their Job Posting. 



Submitting an Application on the QJumpers’ Site is free and optional. To submit an Application, you must provide us with certain personal information e.g. your name, email address, address and phone number (Mandatory Information). In addition to the Mandatory Information you may provide additional information such as your curriculum vitae which, in conjunction with the Mandatory Information and a password forms a Profile


Some Employers will only accept an Application from member Candidates. Candidates may choose to register as a member by creating a login and password. Through the membership login, Candidates can edit, change, or delete their Profile and withdraw an Application. If a Candidate deletes their Profile, all information including their Resume and any Applications contained in the Profile, will be deleted from the Site and from QJumpers’ servers.


An Employer that receives your Application may request additional information such as a photo or a cover letter and may ask for a questionnaire to be completed (this information will form part of your Application). Employers create their own questionnaires. If you believe any information requested by an Employer in a questionnaire breaches the Privacy Act 2020 or is otherwise inappropriate or illegal, please notify us and the Employer immediately. The information collected when Candidates are answering questionnaires is only available to the Employer’s users who have been granted access by the Employer’s system administrator to the Job Posting the Candidate has applied for on the Site. QJumpers advises Employers to not ask for any personal information that is not required for the purpose of finding a suitable Candidate for the Job Posting. 

Resume Pool

A Candidate’s Profile may be stored by an Employer in a Resume Pool for the purpose of finding suitable hires for future job vacancies with the Employer. Your Profile will be included in the Resume Pool by applying for a job opening or registering your interest to work at an Employer’s organisation or if you expressly request that it be included in the Resume Pool.   Employer’s users who have been given permission to access the Resume Pool may search for suitable Candidates and contact Candidates if they think they are suitable for a particular Job Posting.

Offer and Employment Agreement Module 

If you are the successful Candidate for a Job Positing, the Employer may use the Site’s offer and employment agreement module, whereby an offer letter and/or employment agreement is populated. Information collected may include your name, address, job title, salary, and place of work. Such information and the resultant offer letter and/or employment agreement will be stored securely by us for 6 months after which it will be deleted. 

Use of Personal Information

QJumpers may use Candidates’ personal Information to:

· communicate with you;

· deliver and/or provide our recruitment software services;

· to respond to your requests for assistance; and

· for record keeping and administrative purposes.

If a Candidate submits an Application, the Employer who posted the Job Posting will have access to the information contained in the Candidate’s Profile. Employers may use a Candidate's personal information to:

· assess your suitability as a Candidate for a Job Posting;

· to communicate with you; and

· for such other purposes specified in the Employer’s privacy policy.

A link to the Employer’s privacy policy will be linked to the Careers Site and Application form and is to be read in conjunction with this privacy policy.

Disclosure of Personal Information

QJumpers may disclose a Candidate’s personal information:

· to Employers if you submit an Application in response to a Job Posting;

· to our related companies;

· to our employees, contractors and/or third party service providers in order to assist us in providing our recruitment software services. Third party service providers may be used to conduct background investigations or to verify the accuracy of information provided by you in connection with our recruitment software services;

· if you contact us with a request for assistance in using Site features or to report an error, authorised QJumpers employees, contractors and/or third party service providers may access your Profile to diagnose your problem and identify solutions; or

· if required by law.

Employers may disclose a Candidate’s personal information to their trusted third-party suppliers for legitimate purposes in connection with recruitment, for example:

· conducting background checks;

· obtaining references;

· verifying information about you; 

· conducting Candidate and employment-related statistical evaluations; 

· for such other purposes specified in the Employer’s privacy policy; or

· if required by law.

If you have questions about the information the Employer has collected, stored, used or disclosed about you, you should contact the Employer directly.


Employer Account

When an Employer creates an account on the Site, the user who sets up the account is the default system administrator for that Employer (Administrator). To set up the Employer account, the Administrator must provide the name of the Employer organisation, a contact name, email address, physical address for the Employer (for example, a company’s head office), contact phone number and invoicing information. 

User Accounts

Administrators can then create other user (User) accounts to access the Employer’s account. We require Administrators to provide a name and email address for each User.

Administrators can suspend or delete a User’s access. If a User is deleted, all information about that User is deleted from the Site. 

Employers are responsible for ensuring Users have read this privacy policy and understand how this privacy policy applies to Users’ personal information. 

If Users have any questions about the personal information the Employer holds about you in relation to your user account for QJumpers, or if you would like your personal information deleted, please contact your Administrator directly.

Use of Personal Information

QJumpers may use Employers’ and/or Users’ personal information to:

· communicate with Employers and/or Users;

· provide Employers and/or Users with products and/or services; and

· to respond to Employers’ and/or Users’ requests for assistance.

Disclosure of Personal Information

QJumpers may disclose Employers’ and/or Users’ personal information:

· to our employees, contractors and/or third party service providers in order to assist us to deliver products and/or services to Employers and/or Users;

· to our employees, contractors and/or third party service providers in order to diagnose an Employer’s and/or User’s problem and identify solutions; or

· if required by law.

Employer’s Privacy Policy

Employers must have their own privacy policy and/or terms and conditions which apply to Candidates’ and Users’ personal information. Employers must provide a link to their privacy policy accessible to Candidates on a Job Posting.

Employers must ensure that all collection, use, storage, security or disclosure of Candidate information is consistent with this privacy policy and relevant privacy laws. 



If you are one of our suppliers, we may collect personal information about your officers such as directors, employees and subcontractors. This might include names, contact addresses (physical and/or email), and contact phone numbers. We may also collect personal information that is related to specific work you are engaged to perform for us.

We collect personal information directly from you or from your authorised representatives. 

Use of Personal Information

We may use the personal information we collect from our suppliers or their authorised representatives to:

· communicate with you;

· process payments from and/or transfer money to you; 

· comply with our legal obligations;

· request additional goods or services from you; and

· for quality control or auditing.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information, in a manner consistent with the purposes for which it was collected, to:

· our employees, agents and related companies in order to perform our obligations or to monitor and ensure you are meeting your obligations to us;

· a third party, for example to another supplier operating as a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (as that term is defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015) at one of our sites;

· an external party, such as a government regulator or law enforcement agency, if required or authorised by law.

Security and Storage

Access to Personal Information

Candidates, Employers and Users can access their personal information by logging into the Site using a username and password. You are responsible for ensuring the security of your log in details. 

QJumpers recognises that information about Candidates, including their work history and job search, is sensitive. Equally, information about Employers may be commercially sensitive, and information about Users may be sensitive. QJumpers uses security safeguards as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure your information is secure, including:


Candidates and Users can access their personal information by logging into the Site using a username and password. Each Candidate and User is responsible for ensuring the privacy and security of their login details. 

We use the practice of hashing passwords to ensure passwords are not stored in plain text. Hashing is a one-way function algorithm that turns any amount of data into a fixed-length "fingerprint" that cannot be reversed. This allows QJumpers to store passwords in a form that protects the password even if the password file itself is compromised, but also allows us to verify that a user's password is correct.

Employer User Authorisation

Administrators can set different access rights for each User. These access rights determine which information the User can access. This allows the Administrator to grant some Users access to some Candidates’ personal information while restricting access by other Users.

Data Encryption

All data that goes between Candidates, Employers (including their individual Users) and the Site is encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates which is the industry standard. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that has been engineered to stop eavesdropping, forgery and tampering of internet network traffic between two communicating computer applications, for example the browser on your computer or phone at one end and our web server at the other. SSL certificates confirm your data is protected when moving between you and our web servers. To check that your data is encrypted, look for the little lock shown in the address bar of your browser. 

All data, including any uploaded documents such as curriculum vitaes and cover letters, are also encrypted when “at rest” in our database using strong standards-based ciphers and protected in transit via SSL.

Network Security and Protection

We use firewalls to monitor, control and protect the flow of internet traffic to our web servers. 


All traffic and application interactions are logged and monitored. This enables us to quickly identify and investigate any suspicious activity. 

Secure Data Centres

Our QJumpers website is hosted by Amazons Web Services (AWS). AWS are a global industry leader in infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud-based hosting with industry best practice security practices. Access to AWS facilities is restricted to only key employees with appropriate approval. Data for any users in New Zealand and Australia is stored in Australia. Data for other countries is stored in the USA.

Application Security

Our application security layer uses encrypted cookie tokens which deny access if a token does not correspond to a valid user session. We also monitor idle time so that a session is terminated if the there is no interaction within a specified time which protects a Candidate or a User if their computer or phone is left unattended.

Access and correction

Access to your Personal Information

Whether you are a Candidate, an Employer, a User or a supplier, you have the right to know what personal information we hold about you. You can check this by emailing us at support@qjumpers.co.nz. If your personal information is held in a way that is easily retrievable by us, we will usually provide a copy of your personal information to you on request. If not, we will let you know the reason we cannot.

If you are a Candidate or a User and wish to know what personal information an Employer holds about you, please contact the Employer directly.


If you believe personal information we hold about you is not correct, you have the right to request a correction:

· Candidates - most corrections can be made by you directly by logging into your Profile and updating your information. 

· Users – most corrections can be made either by you directly by logging in to the Site using your username and password or by requesting your Administrator update your information.

· Employers – most corrections can be made by your Administrator.

· Suppliers – see below.

If you are unable to correct your information directly in these ways, you can email us at support@qjumpers.co.nz. We will either correct the information or ensure a statement about your request is added to the information. 

How long we keep your Personal Information

We keep your personal information for as long as necessary under the law or for the purposes we collected the information. Once information is no longer required, we destroy it. 

If you are a Candidate, you control how long we keep your information because you can choose to delete your Profile at any time. When you delete your Profile, all information we hold about you is deleted from our systems.

If you are a User, you can delete some personal information we hold about you directly by logging into the Site and deleting the information. For some information, your Administrator will need to delete the information. Once your information is deleted from the Site, it is deleted from our systems.

If you are a Candidate or User and wish to know how long an Employer keeps your personal information, please refer to the Employer’s privacy policy or contact the Employer directly.


If you believe we have breached our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020, please contact our privacy officer at:


We may ask you to send a detailed complaint in writing. We aim to resolve complaints in a reasonable time, usually within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commission at:



From time to time we may update this privacy policy. When we do this, we will display a notice prominently on our website so that you are aware we have made changes. 

PO BOX 10330